The Pomodoro Technique,  devised by productivity expert Francesco Cirillo, is a method used by millions to focus and heighten their productivity.

The specifications that Cirillo sets for the technique may be useful for the average user but I find that 25 minutes for a work interval is a bit short for me and my type of work.

With 25 minutes I find my self having to stop what I’m doing when I’m most focused and at the peak of my productivity.

What works for me is 45 minute work intervals with 15 minute short breaks and 30 minutes long break. That way each work-break pair lasts one hour and an entire work session, including the long break, lasts 3 hours and 15 minutes.

Each individual, depending on her/his type of work and dexterities or handicaps may focus for a different period of time than the one dictated by the original method.

For this reason Productivity Timer is highly configurable to fit your individual needs as close as possible. Any time that you want to return to the default settings, which are those specified originally by Cirillo, you can press the “Restore Default Settings” button on the setting panel. You can find more info about the settings in our Help & Support page.